The more effectively you outsource, the more you can leverage your own time to grow your career and earn more money.. We take on household duties, make trips to local stores, run errands, work a full time job and try to complete DIY projects because we think we can do and accomplish anything. If the business world outsources to Wholesale Flip cap moulds Manufacturers be more efficient, working mothers can--and should--do the same. By further maximizing the support network I have, I make my life a lot easier. It's genius, really! Over the years I have seen so many working women sabotage their careers by trying to do too much. The more you are able to leverage your career in the way you envision, the happier you will be, and the more time you will have with your family. My response is that you can't afford not to. But there's an important distinction: We can do and accomplish anything, but should we? Many working mothers tell me they simply can't afford to outsource or delegate. Isn't that really what we're all aiming for? To begin thinking about which household tasks you can delegate to others, ask yourself the following: Which tasks do I find enjoyable and which are time-consuming and exhausting? We are always more productive when we focus on the things we really want to do. Which household chores or errands are really necessary on a regular basis? Are there people or services that can help you with any of your common responsibilities? Which tasks do you really dread doing? Could you easily pass them off to someone else? Or reduce the time you spend on them? Are there any household tasks that you truly enjoy? How much time are you spending keeping current with household responsibilities? Are there any ways to include your children in necessary tasks to make them more enjoyable? What are some ways you can alleviate pressures and responsibilities that take you away from career-building, family time, or other activities you believe are truly important? When I went through this exercise, my focus was on outsourcing any task that took me away from what was important to me: career-building or family time. I found that the biggest time commitments outside of what I valued as important were domestic responsibilities--cleaning, cooking, and regular errands like dry cleaning, groceries, and driving kids to their weekly activities (and we have a lot). Instead of feeling guilty for not being able to manage everything alone, find creative ways to delegate tasks; it will allow you to spend more quality time with your family.